Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tips from the over-packer

Why is it when we go on vacation that we always think we are going to wear something that we don’t?  Those shoes you never get to wear, that cute dress that you used to love and haven’t worn all season?  Now is a perfect opportunity!  Wrong!!!  I learned many years ago when I went on my first national tour as an actress, that nothing good can be gained from over packing.  We wear the same things all the time.  And yet most of us lug suitcases full of things we never look at all over creation.  And now the only thing you need is a massage, because your suitcase was so heavy!  Skye and I have compiled a list of things to pack and things not to pack to help relieve you of the burden of bringing that “what if” thing (or things) that you will never use.  Before we give you the list, however, here are a couple of tips:

Never pack when you are tired or drinking.  The kitchen and the bathroom sink become intensely appealing when drunk or tired.  You are not clear headed and in your diligence not to forget something, you inevitably over pack.  Give yourself a treat and have a drink when you are done!  Or take a nap first.

Set out what you think you want to take with you and then put it half of it back (unless you are already an amazing packer).  Really ask yourself what you cannot live with out and be truthful.  If you are going away for 7 days, you don’t need 12 outfits to wear.  You will wear your favorite jeans or pants throughout the whole trip and that seems to be true for most of us.  

Shoes are my big downfall, especially in the summer.  I have so many sandals I love.  However, what I do is pick 2 going out shoes that will go with everything, my flip-flops and my sneakers.  In the winter I do one heeled boot and one flat and my sneakers.  You have to give yourself a limit.  Shoes take up a lot of space!  And again, you will wear the same thing you wear in your day-to-day life.

Buy sample size products or travel size containers.  CVS has a great line of all the containers you could want.  So if your products don't come in travel sizes, you can scoop out your favorite moisturizer and put it into a smaller container.  Buy stuff like shampoo and conditioner there.  It will really free up some space!

Pack Military style.  Rolling things up really allows you to pack more in.  Don’t get the extra large suitcase.  If you can’t fit everything you want into a medium size bag, then you have packed too much.

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