Sunday, July 18, 2010

Resistance bands, P90X and airport security....

In January I had started on P90X.  The 90-day extreme workout videos by Tony Horton.  They are fantastic and will tell you more about them as travel tools later.  So I brought my laptop and my resistance bands to Barcelona with me.  Skye’s suitcase had broken on the way there so she decided it was best not to check it on the way back.  However she had purchased some wine, so there was a dilemma.  I offered to take the wine since I was checking my bag and I gave her my resistance bands.  Well……Barcelona has TIGHT airport security.  Who knew??  By tight, we mean they unpack all your carry on bags, make you turn on all electrical devices and pat you down.  So as we drew closer to the women’s security check, we see the security people opening and closing someone’s umbrella.  They are serious!  She says, “Oh my god.  Your bands are in my suitcase!  (Mind you they are not hers and she has never used them.  Oh and you aren’t supposed to pack anything for anyone else, right?)

I am one of those people who laughs when I am nervous…….I am now laughing.  I go to my assigned person and try to keep a straight face which requires me not looking at Skye.  I finish and go to wait for her and by this point they have gotten to the resistance bands.  There are now 4 people using them, trying to figure out if they are lethal weapons or for exercise or both.   I am of course laughing so hard that the 2 security guards at the end of the line are wondering what is wrong with me.  I walked away several times, thinking, “I can stop laughing” and then would walk back over to see what was going on and it would immediately start me in on another fit of laughter.  I can see Skye struggling to show them how these things work and 4 people, who speak no English, trying to decide the fate of my bands and my friend.  I think I am about to pee my pants I am laughing so hard.  I actually heard myself snort.  And I am having this moment all to myself, so you can imagine what this looked liked to the passersby as well as the security people.  Skye did a brilliant job and she and the bands made it home safely!  So the moral of this story is:  if you decide to take the P90X with you on vacation, make sure the bands are checked in a bag.  However, it was totally worth it for the story.  One of the funniest airport moments I have ever experienced.

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