Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo

I feel like I might be a little behind everyone else on this, but if you are like me and haven't gotten around to reading "The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo" by Steig Larsson, don't put it off any longer.  I finished it last night and ran out today to buy the next one.  It was a fantastic read and one that you will not be able to put down.  It is perfect for the airplane.  You will be so engrossed you will most likely forget you are even flying.  The characters are fabulous, the story is totally engrossing and I became obsessed with reading for 4 days.  Literally.

The story focuses on a financial journalist, Mikael Blomkvist, who likes to report on the corruption in the financial world.  This last investigation put him on the wrong end of a libel case.  It does however lead him to get hired by Henrik Vanger to discover who murdered his niece some 40 years ago.  He is introduced to the heroin, Lisbeth Salander and together they uncover much more than they could ever have imagined.  The tale is riveting and disturbing and will leave you hungry for more.  Good thing there are two more books for you to sink your teeth into.  It will not disappoint.  It actually surpassed all my expectations.  I highly recommend you put this next on your reading list.


  1. Skye - I love your blog. Have I told you this? It's amazing, but makes me feel like a total slacker with mine, and it makes me hungry :) I digress. Larsson's books are awesome, and, astonishingly, the 1st movie is spot-on to the book. Rent it! Movie 2 is meh, and I haven't seen 3 yet.

  2. Thanks Rhonda. I wanted to finish all 3 books before I rented the movies. I have just finished the 3rd book. Totally amazing! I will definitely rent movie number 1 soon.

